by Dr. Cari Bourette,
Saturday September 9th, 2017
Continuing from the last post a couple of days ago, I'm looking to see if we can get any additional information about where Irma might be heading. Since this is new and experimental technology, there is still much to learn about what it can and can't tell us. However, this is what the latest U.S. MoodMaps appear to be saying.
Below is the U.S. MoodMap for September 9. Hurricane Irma is readily identifiable from a combination of mood components associated with "nature focused" and one that would be associated with talkative or in this case, windy. The red line in the center of this yellow area is a vector from where Irma is now to the maximum point of the "nature-windy" area. That is the MoodMap's estimated track of Irma, as of Sept. 9. It's also interesting that per the WorldMood map for this week, the United States joins the rest of the world in a "serious" mood. Canada and Mexico are also shown as serious here.
Next we have the "raw data" map from the U.S. mood data for September 10, 2017. I don't always show these maps because they can be confusing. Don't worry right now about exactly where those two black areas are. In this map, we again have Irma as a "Windy" area. There is a new vector for this area which is to the left of the previous day's. My guess is that the track will continue to shift to the left. I have drawn a line connecting the maximum area of the two black or "destructive" areas. My guess is that this gives us a vector of where destruction is heading.
And finally, this last map shows a circle with a center at where the red and black lines above intersected. As of September 10, this may be where the storm is "aiming." This is substantially to the west of where it was seen to have been aiming in the weekly map.
A lot of what I have said here are guesses as I have not worked with these daily maps before this storm (previously the shortest timeframe was weekly). They are new. The data is taken from top internet search trends from three days before the MoodMap's date and analyzed geographically (the top trends of the day may have nothing to do with hurricanes or weather). Similar technology is used to generate daily and weekly forecasts for the stock market, gold, crude oil, and the U.S. Dollar at You are welcome to come check it out!